Thursday, July 31, 2008

Myspace: It's a Boy

Hey everyone. We are thrilled to be having a boy! He was not at all shy last week, when he showed off! He is measuring great, right on for length and he's big for weight but those measurments can be off sometimes. We have lot and lot of pics that I will try to remember to upload tonight... if I forget feel free to remind me! His name is Lincoln Oliver. We'll call him Linc and his initials will be LOL- I love that!

David is doing very well. He's on his second week of radiation treatments, and those are like xrays, he's moving along quickly! I feel great, not too tired or anything. Thanks for all your love and support!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Myspace: Cancer Free!

David is cancer free! Scan looked good, so the next step is radiation- everyday for 4 weeks, but nothing in comparison to chemo. Thanks for your love and prayers!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Myspace: What a Year 2008 Has Been!

So for everyone who reads the following and didn't know, I'm really sorry I didn't share sooner. I have never felt like anything was as personal as the following and needed time to deal before I was ready to share...

On Feb. 26 of this year, my husband David, 25, was diagnosed w/ Hodgkin's Lymphoma... Cancer. The diagnosis followed a couple months of doctors visits for a swollen right side of his neck. All along we were told it was benign, a cyst, benign, blah, blah, blah. He was prescribed steroids and anti-biotics repeatly, they did a biopsie that was inconclusive and finally removed the nodes. Two golf ball sized nodes- his neck was huge (cup you hand and put it up to your neck), but never did we imagine cancer would come up. Um, the following weeks went quickly, staging, tests to check his heart and lungs (because chemo can damage both), and a mediport inserted below his right collar bone so he no longer has to be stuck w/ needles, they stick his port.

He was staged 1A, which is the best news, very treatable and cureable. He has had 8 chemos, everyother Tuesday since March, he finished at the end of June. He did very well considering, only missing 1 day a week on average from work, dealt with fatigue and nausea, but no puking. In the last 2 sessions the fatigue was impossible to fight.

Also, during this time his mother was fighting leukemia (now cancer free), my gram was diagnosed w/ dementia and my papa passed away. You all also know we are expecting our beloved first child- this is a great blessing that the timing worked for us to become pregnant before the chemo began. We do not know if David's fertility will be an issue in the future, but we are very blessed to have this little baby in our lives already!

These last 5 months have been an amazing testament to why I love my husband. He has faced every week with courage, knowing that the chemo would exhaust him and knowing he would kick cancer's ass!

Please keep David in your thoughts and prayers this week. He had a scan this afternoon that will tell the doctor if the cancer is gone. He has done very well with all this, we are praying he has kicked it and he can move on! We'll have scan results late Friday or Monday. I will let you know as soon as we do.

And again, I am sorry I didn't share sooner, but this was a big thing and alot to figure out. I can't properly describe how this was and is- I can tell you David is a stong man and an amazing husband, even taking care of me during morning sickness on weeks when he had chemo. I love him and I am lucky and blessed to have met him, married him, and have him be the father of my child!