Our son, Lincoln was born November 26. I'll write another post about how awesome he is. This is the before...
David was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma February 26th, 2008. I found out I was pregnant March 25th. It wasn't so much planned, as it was "if it happens, great! if not, no big deal." We aren't sure if the chemo will affect David's fertility in the future and had not to that point tried to get pregnant as we had been married just 7 months. Well it happened!
I spent all of my first trimester VERY sick. I had awful morning sickness. I woke up and was instantly running for the bathroom every morning. Some days I continued to be sick all day. Other days I was able to have a subway sandwich for lunch. Sp.rite, Slurp.ees, saltines, graham crakers, and toast were always around and usually helped. Sometimes, even if I had a good day I would still lose my dinner, that was very frusterating. I never found any rhyme or reason to any of it and lost 15 lbs. I took my prenatal vitamin and a benadryl every night before bed and that helped, or i thought it did. I think having the good night sleep helped!
I was sick until I was 16 or 18 weeks. I was 23 weeks pregant when we had our ultrasound to find out the gender of our baby. I had been convinced by alot of people that our baby was a girl and we have 5 nephews, so we joked that maybe odds had it that we might be having a girl. NOPE! He might as well have sat on a copy machine- this guy was all boy and not shy at all! We had already picked out a name, Lincoln!
We were given a surprise baby shower in Massachusetts by David's relatives when we visited over Labor Day and had another, given by my boss later in September.
The middle of my pregancy was very enjoyable. Lincoln was a very active baby and I never worried or wondered if he was ok in there! I was comfortable most of the time. I had a good time watching him kick the remote control when i set it on my belly or kick my hand if i was in his way.
We moved from an apartment to a townhouse in October and set up the nursery then. By this point I had entered my third trimester. I had heartburn alot but was otherwise doing well. I set a goal for myself, and to have a healthy full-term baby (as much as the 'when' is in my control), for the third weekend in November. We had a baby pool and our family and friends guessed when sweet Lincoln would arrive. For a couple of days I walked the mall and stores, ate spicy foods, and cleaned our house from top to bottom hoping Lincoln would show up.
After a false alarm on a Monday night, and going to work the next day exhausted we went to dinner at Chili's and walked the mall for a bit. My water broke that night! I labored for 24 hours, with pitocin and a epidural, and stalled out at 6 centimeters. I had a c-section.
Lincoln was born November 26th at 9:41 p.m. He weighed 7 lb. 9oz. and was 20.5 inches long.
My recovery wasn't awful, but it wasn't any fun. I took my pain meds on time and made my only goal to take care of my son, anything else could wait. I will elect to have a c-section if I am blessed to get pregnant in the future, based on the advice of my doctors and nurses.
Jokowi First Speech As President Elect 2014
10 years ago
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