Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's been a long time, but I need to be here.

It's been a long time since I have blogged. 

2010 was a year of big change for me. It was a very difficult year for me.  In ways I am still realizing and in ways I believe I ignored for most of the time.

A new job. Co-worker left.  Cycled through 3 candidates before finding someone to work with.

David turned 28 - but thought he was just 27 two months later! Funny conversation!

Lincoln turned 2. Lincoln is a big boy. There is no baby in my house.

I am Erin.  I am struggling.  I am very weird places in my head.  At this point I am spending a lot of time looking forward.  Begging for time to go faster.  Which in my mind is the most counter-intuitive and ridiculous thought when considering one of my largest goals should be to be present and attentive when I am with Lincoln. 

2011 is hopefully what will be a immense year for our family. I am going to continue working at a accounting firm, hopefully conquering my first tax season. I will be working some overtime Mon-Thurs. and every other Saturday.  This will limit my time with Lincoln in the evenings and is something I am thoroughly dreading.  David will complete school and hopefully find a job in the computer industry.

In many ways as I look forward, I feel like I am in a flux, just waiting to get this next 8 months over with to see what's next for our family! We are waiting for David to get a job. Waiting to get better insurance. Waiting to move into a bigger place, maybe even in a new zip code. Waiting for the right time to add someone new to our family.  Waiting.

I need to be here, writing, getting my thoughts out.  So I will be back this week with some goals and plans that will hopefully help us get through the next 8 months, or better yet, lets start with our first goal of the year: Counquer Tax Season 2011.  Survival until April 15.

And because you survived this crappy post about nothing, here's an adorable picture of Lincoln.
Consider yourself rewarded :)

1 comment:

Emma said...

glad to hear from you after so long! I havent blogged in a while either! Wheres the time for it?