Is he 14 months old already? As what's with the 'old' at the end? He's not old. He's little. I want to keep my Lincoln little for as long as possible. Oh well, I suppose the fact is he is going to get big, and we're enjoying every minute in the progression towards having a big boy.

Lincoln you are BUSY with a capital B. You have no time or patience for being held back when the world is out there waiting for you to figure it out. You step out the front door in the morning on our way out to day care/work and I lock the door as quickly as possible, because you are racing for the street. I think if you could walk to where ever we need to be you would. (Now, don't panic, we live on a cul-de-sac and here is no traffic. I am right beside you.) Dad took you for a walk on Sunday and you wandered the high school track and threw tennis balls and you loved it. Today, Dad brought you by work so I could see you and you went into everyone's office to say hello, but you were too busy running around and playing with Mr. White's trucks to show off all of the talking you do. When I tried to pick you up to talk to you, you arched and fussed, flailing a acting like a wet noodle until I put you down to explore some more.
You can say duck, book, car, tree, cheese, cookie, apple, nana, dada, mama, grandpa (ba-pa) and tonight you said pudding (puh).
You will point to your nose when prompted.
When asked what a cow says, you say Mmmbooooo! You can also say ruff-ruff (dog) quack-quack (duck) and rar (bear, lion, tiger).
You shake your head for yes and no, but just cause it's funny; not purposefully. You spin in a circle when we prompt you to dance.
You are affectionate giving hugs and kisses and blowing kisses. You follow directions, simple requests and share very well . You are a good eater, most of the time, and are still drinking for bottles bcause you refuse sippy cups.
You are finally taking good naps. 1-1/2 - 2 hours at daycare and consistently 2 hours on the weekends. Now that I've typed this you probably won't nap at all this weekend.
You're also getting your 2nd top tooth, which will bring the total to 6. This is the first one that has cause any trouble. You had a fever 2 days ago and there seems to be a knot on your gums where it's going to break through.
Lincoln we are enjoying every day, every step, every word. We love you!