David and I were not mortified when Lincoln threw his bottle of water on the floor, in T.arget, cracking it in half and causing instant spillage. We did not have to put the bottle in a ziplock bag that moments before held cheese and sop up the floor with a burp cloth. Nope, not us!
Linc is not still drinking for bottles at 13 months old. (We've tried quite a few sippys and he wants nothing to do with it. We'll try again in a couple weeks.)
David and I did not have to drive back to Moe's after having lunch there yesterday to retrieve one on Lincoln's shoes, after having already driven home. I always know whether or not he has on both shoes and is wearing them since it's currently in the 30s! So cold!
My keys were not locked in my car this morning. I did not have to call David and have him leave work in Virginia Beach, haul back to Chesapeake and get us in the car, and all of us head back out to Virginia Beach for daycare and work!
* These scenarios may or may not be a true representation of my life with my dear son and darling husband ;)
Jokowi First Speech As President Elect 2014
10 years ago
At least he had one shoe on...Thomas doesn't even have socks on half the time in 30 degree weather :)...you are doing better than me!
Lol we have lost many a croc shoe that way!
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