Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lincoln, you are 13 months!

Lincoln we are having a blast with you and you are learning more and more every day!  You are walking everywhere and almost running.  You hardly ever resort to crawling and are not phased when you fall. 

You have become very attached to your stuffed monkey and get very excited when you see him and give him hugs and kisses.

You can say MA MA, DA DA, DUCK, BOO (book), DAA (ta da!), AH DAH (all done), CAR, TRUCK, CHEESE, JUICE, COOKIE ('ck' sound), TEE (tree) and still of course, HUH and YEAH.

You are a good eater most of the time, are very grumpy and whiney when you get your meals late (so, when in doubt, we feed you) and you want nothing at all to do with sippy cups.

Last night when we were getting ready for bed you were going back and forth between your dad and me, giving us hugs and kisses!  We just giggled and hugged you tight.

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