Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I fact I haven't been able to escape in adulthood is family, friends and parents of friends passing away.  My grandpa passed away when I was a freshman in high school.  My nana passed away when I was 19 and my papa when I was 24.  One of my best friends from high school dad passed away last year.  I didn't go to any of these funerals.  I went to a friend's grandfather's funeral when I was in middle school- I don't know why.  My grandpa, nana and papa lived in Colorado when they passes away and I was not able to travel there for their funerals.  Not being able to attend something that should make a passing real makes it very easy to pretend that it's not.   Or maybe un-healthily (I made that word up, just now), clinging to them not being gone? Or letting go enough to have them be in Heaven, knowing we'll see them again.  I was very close to my grandparents, especially when you consider that I grew up a N.avy brat and only lived in the same state as my grandparents for a couple years in elementary school.  I need to write a separate post about how awsome my grandparents were and are, but for now I'll say that I love and miss them. My grandma is currently battling dementia, has been since 2007, and it is very hard to visit with her knowing how much is missing. 

Last weekend a friend of mine passed away.  I hadn't seen her in about 5 years and she moved to another state about a year ago.  She was only in her 30s : ( 

To her family,
I am so deeply sorry for your loss. These is no way to sum up               or her meaning to me, my parents and siblings, classmates and church family in words.             shined from miles away, sang for all to hear and hugged us with her entire spirit. She was always there as a listening ear, a hand to hold, shoulder to cry upon and dear friend to sing, laugh and celebrate with.                was my friend, mentor, youth leader, choir director and roommate on many church trips. We laughed until we cried and cried until we laughed. She will be missed, but we will see her again soon. I personally can't wait to see the party she is preparing for us in Heaven. See you soon              , show that angelic chior how its done! God Bless you Mrs.  and family. May the peace of God hold you at this time and comfort you until we see           again!

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