Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feats of Strength and New Talents

Is the circus hiring? If so, we have a new side show performer for them! 

Lincoln is working on his Feats of Strength' act!  He carries both of my 3 lb. weights around at the same time.  He moves his little couch, little people parking garage and a storage otoman that hold his toys all around the living room all day long.  We laugh at him and try to look out for him hoping he won't hurt himself. 


Lincoln is copying lots of things we say these days and is doing more and more animal sounds every day!  Nay (horse), Mbooo (cow), Uh-uh (dog), Baaaahhh (sheep), qack-qack (duck).  He is now signing cracker, its a wierd sign- with your right hand, knocking on your left elbow- and saying cracker at the same time!  We, like all parents, think Lincoln is so very smart and are very proud of how he is picking up signing and talking so quickly!!!


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