Friday, March 5, 2010

Public Service Announcement Ahead

I am going to try to get much better about posting here on my blog. 

I need to do more posts on Lincoln and what he's up to these days.

I need to use this blog as a journal and outlet for some thoughts I am working through right now.
There are going to be some deep, introspective posts in the coming weeks.
If you are reading, and are a member of my family, please understand that this is my journal where I process my thoughts and feelings. Please do not take anything personal or be offended; there is no reason to, this ins't about anyone other than myself.  No one is, or will ever be, referred to personally.  I am processing events in my life that effect who I am today and how they relate to me daily in my life, my marriage and in being a mom. 
I am trying to figure out how to deal with some of the feelings that bother me.

This is my life. The Chronicles of Craziness.  The perfection of imperfection.
I want to be the best I can be, most importantly where is effects D and Linc, so I am going to delve into these issues.  I think processing them here will help me be that best version of me.


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