Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Moving, steadily...

Yes this year seems to be a crash course of sorts! Craziness for sure! We've got the idea that if there were a contest for most "eventful" first year of marriage we could win that award!

David is doing very well with chemo. No hair loss or terrible side-effects to speak of. He will have his 4th of 8 treatments next Tuesday and then be half way. He says he no longer feels like himself. This is something we expected. it's called "chemo-brain", like there is a fog there. In between treatments it's not getting better as it did the first and second times. So we know it'll take a while to wear off even when all this is over. I think this is one of the most frustrating side effects for David.

He has been working all week and getting gaming in too. He finished school a week or so ago with an A of course. We just try to keep laughing and sometimes forget there's more chemo to come.

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