Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Old---- David Part 3 (3.19.2008)

David is doing very well. His first chemo was yesterday. He is at the oncologists office for 6 hours on chemo days. He took a book, our Ipod and a personal DVD player friends lent us to keep him busy. He was there for 9 until 3 and saw the doctor before it began. I dropped him off, brought him lunch, picked him up and worked some in the middle of it all.

He did awesome.

They gave him some meds to relax him and prevent nausea and they totally worked. He was so relaxed he didnt care about much last night. He slept through the afternoon portion of chemo and slept for another hour and a half when we got home. He is off work today, just trying to let the relaxing meds get out of his system. He has an appointment Friday to make sure his port is healing well and a blood work appointment next Thursday or Friday. He should do very well through this, I think he would like them to reduce the relaxing medicine next time. His next Chemo will be on Tuesday, April 1.

Please keep praying!

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