Thursday, September 24, 2009

have I told you lately...

I have already had my Thursday night breakdown, I had it at lunchtime. Hopefully I am done.
I am done.

This week seems manic to me; really high high's, and very low lows. 

This week has been frusterating and hopeful, spirit-breaking and triumphant.

Lincoln is "crusing" everywhere.  This means he can walk around our coffee table and sofas and pull up to just about anything.  He has a little push cart that he can go back and forth across the living room with.  I don't help, just hold his shirt for a little stability and so I can catch him so that he doesn't land on the cart.  He is interested in everything.  I have been achingly missing him the last two days while I've been at work.

The is a possiblity there will be some financial relief coming for us in the next few weeks in the form of the Post 9/11 GI Bill.  We're unsure how it will work out but hoping it hits sooner, than later.

I rear-ended a parked car last week when I was leaving work.  Someone did it to me today when I was leaving the bank : (

David has finals this week for this term (5 week long terms) and is only taking one class, rather than 2 for the next 5 weeks, so he'll only be in class 2 nights per week.  I have no idea what I'll do with him home all the time, but I am looking forward to finding out.

Our oven door is broken, has been since Labor Day weekend.  We've been waiting on the landlords to let us know what they want us to do. Subsequently I have not baked any cookies, cakes, pies, breads or dinners in almost a month.  : (

"... you fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness,
easy my troubles,  that's what you do.
Have I told you lately that I love you?"

No matter the unknown and the crap, Lincoln has given me a priceless gift to focus on the triumphs and the hope.  To try to see the best when people aren't being nice or treating me the way I think they should, I am reminded to hope they had good intentions.  To think that maybe, just maybe people aren't out to be rude, hurtful and unthinking.  Lincoln helps me to refocus and remember that my family is what's most important.  Our hurt and frusterations can all be wiped clean and we can start again with the hope and triumph of a 10 month old precious babys wonder at the whole world around him. 

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