Friday, December 4, 2009

Five Question Friday

1. Favorite gift you are GIVING this year?

Pictures of Lincoln.  We are hoping to go small scale for everyone this year, but our families seem to be doing the same things as always.

2. How many parties are you attending between now and Christmas?

Zero.  I am thinking about having a open house but we'll see.

3. What is your favorite Christmas song?

Oh Come All Ye Faithful. But I love all of it!

4. Who was your favorite elementary school teacher and why?

I liked my kindergarten and 3rd grade teachers, mostly because I remember personally connecting with them both.

5. If you had a choice to live in any other period of time (other than now) what era would you choose and why?

The 50s when cost-of-living wasn't so high and mom's stayed home with their kids.  Oh how I wish I could do that! ;)

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