Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow in Virginia?

Well, it snowed.  I am extremely frusterated with the hype of it all yesterday.  We hear it all the time and the weathermen are always wrong... always wrong.  This is a big deal around here and only snows like this maybe once every 5-10 years! Craziness! 

At about 5 a.m.

These were taken at about 9 this morning.There are about 8 inches or so on the ground.

Lincoln was interested and might've wanted to go out, but he has a cold and lacks the proper attire.  He had been in the snow in Colorado, so I wasn't worried about him missing out on the experience.  He is still working on that top tooth, it's still not through yet.  He has a cough and runny nose too, so it was probably best that we were snowed in and just hanging out today :)

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