Friday, February 5, 2010


My birthday is this week.  I am 26. 

I think this is the beginning of the sweet spot in my life.  Hopefully it lasts for years and years to come : )

I love the life David, Lincoln and I are building and enjoying together everyday!  I enjoy my time with them more than I can say.  David and I have a great relationship; lots of talking, laughing, cuddling & TV watching.  Lincoln is growing so much every day.  I try very hard to soak up the time I have with him every day.  He is awesome, and while there is the compulsion to wish we could 'stop time' and just try to capture his wonderful ways in my memory and pray that I remember in the years to come. 

David and I have some big goals this year to lessen our debt and we're already tackling that in a big way.  We're also looking into trading his small 'cross-over' car for an SUV to better suit our needs with Lincoln.  We're looking into getting a fancy DSLR camera to help us take better pictures of Lincoln and 'capture' more family moments : )

This year didn't begin for me on New Years; it begins for me this week and I am very much going to enjoy 26!

1 comment:

Emma said...

sounds like it will be a great year for you! :) yey! And happy birthday again!